This Server

This site is hosted on an Alpha VMScluster running OpenVMS V7.3-2 and Secure Web Services based on the Apache web server.

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OpenVMS Support

Telephone Support

   Do you just need someone that you can call to ask questions? We have the answers! Call us at 888-4-PARSEC (888-472-7732) to set up this service.

Remote System Management

   Is your IT staff overworked keeping track of the day-to-day operations? Would you like someone to take a look at your system on a regular basis to keep an eye on your system? Many customers rely on PARSEC to help watch their systems. With our Online System Manager tool, we can be notified immediately of pending problems and react as needed. We work with your staff to keep things running smoothly.


July 1, 2004
Web Training Now Available
On July 19, 2004, PARSEC Group held its first OpenVMS open-enrollment class over the Internet. PARSEC is making all of its OpenVMS classes available to the public over the Internet. PARSEC continues to hold classes in a traditional classroom environment for those who learn better that way.
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© 2005 PARSEC Group